If I were an animal, I would be a kangourou
I am most proud of my daughter
My personal motto: Everything is possible
My mentor: Jean-Yves Mine
My highest quality: My humor, even if my friends might not agree!
3 words to define me as coach: tolerant, accessible, empowering
My favorite inspirational quote: Success Is Going from Failure to Failure Without Losing Your Enthusiasm (W.Churchill)
For me, lobbying is the art of influencing others
If I were an animal, I would be a cheetah
I am most proud of my life journey and all the people that join me on it
My personal motto : My beliefs and intentions shape my reality
My mentor: Tara Brach
My highest quality: courage
3 words to define me as coach: deepness, presence, co-creation
My favorite inspirational quote: rather a poem: Kipling's IF
For me, lobbying is influencing people to achieve something bigger, a new stage, a paradigm
If I were an animal, I would be an Orca whale
I am most proud of my children and to have created my life in a fulfilling way, in ownership and awareness of my responsibilities, despite many adversities along the way.
My personal motto: In a world, in which you can be anything, be kind.
My mentor: The Dalai Lama
My highest quality: Caring
3 words to define me as coach: Compassionate, Telling hard-truth, Spaciousness
My favorite inspirational quote: “Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.” - Oprah Winfrey
For me lobbying is Attempting to influence major actors in business and government to create legislation or conduct an activity that is in the interest of a particular organisation or sector.
If I were an animal, I would be a Phoenix
I am most proud of my willingness to look my own demons in the eye
My motto: life is a gift to help us realize who we truly are.
My mentor: Beatrice Wood
My highest quality : creativity
My 3 qualities as coach are: courage, aliveness and creativity
My favorite quote: “There is something more important than ideas. It is freedom from ideas. For a Buddhist to be attached to any doctrine, even a Buddhist one, is to betray the Buddha.” Thich Nhat Hanh
For me lobbying is communicating true information to people in power so they feel empowered to make the right decisions in service of the people they represent.
If I were an animal I would be a bat
I am most proud of my resilience
My motto: There is a way, even if I can't see it yet.
My mentor: Leonardo Di Caprio
My highest quality: Energetic
My 3 qualities as coach are: Kind, Generous, Empowering
My favorite quote : "Ne prenez pas vos désirs pour des banalités", Brigitte Fontaine
For me lobbying is the opportunity to bring a change
If I were an animal, I would be a Puma
I am most proud of my resilience
My motto: Life is beautiful – whatever happens is a learning experience
My mentor: Stéphane Hessel
My biggest quality: sincerity
My 3 qualities as coach are: authentic/warm/persistent
My favorite quote: Beyond doing well or doing badly exists a space. That is where I will meet you. Rumi
For me lobbying is communicating true information to people in power so they feel empowered to make the right decisions in service of the people they represent.
If I were an animal, I would be a horse
I am proud of my PhD in resilience in my life. And proud to observe that I have passed along this legacy to my children.
My motto: 'A winner is a dreamer who never gives up'
My mentor: Nelson Mandela
My biggest quality: generosity
My 3 qualities as coach are: Curious, Creative, Courageous
My favorite quote: ' When you blame others you give up your power to change. Take responsibility for your future.' Chris Voss
For me lobbying is Lobbying ?
If I were an animal, I would be a bear
I am most proud of living a life which is most often in line with what I care about (love, dignity, meaning, and transmission) without jeopardizing performance and sustainable impact
My motto: “We are what we practice”
My mentor: Bill Gates
My highest quality : I love and trust people and I believe in their ability to do good
My 3 qualities as coach are: Trustworthy, Pragmatic, Challenging
My favorite quote : “First say to yourself what you would be and then do what you have to do” - Epictecus
For me, lobbying has to be a way to support sustainable change for more meaningful productivity.
If I were an animal, I would be a wolf
I am most of having reinvented myself after a personal life crisis.
My motto: Everybody has potential that can be developed.
My mentor: Marshall Rosenberg
My highest quality: positive
My 3 qualities as coach are : Integrity, ambition, inspiration
My favorite quote: It always seems impossible until it’s done – Nelson Mandela
For me lobbying is about exerting an influence to make sure that individual or organisational interests and needs are taken into consideration
If I were an animal, I would be a centaur
I am most proud of living from my passions.
My motto: If there is no solution, there is no problem.
My mentor: Leonor Fini
My highest quality: Integrity
My 3 qualities as coach are : Benevolent, optimistic, a sense of humour.
My favorite quote: The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are (CG Jung)
For me lobbying is using the right levers to advance your cause.
If I were an animal: A wild horse
I am most proud of: To love and to be loved
My motto: "It isn't because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that they are difficult."
My mentor: Anton Tchekhov for his understanding of human sensitivity.
My highest quality: Tenacity
My 3 qualities as mentor are: Creative, demanding and curious
My favorite quote : Our great mistake is to try to get from everyone in particular the virtues he does not have and to neglect the ones he has » Marguerite Yourcenar
For me lobbying is building links that influence positively the future
If I were an animal I would be a cheetah
I am most proud of having built two beautiful organizations Athenora Consulting and Coaching, my team and my family!
My motto: “No errors, just feed back !” NLP
My mentor: Ramana Maharshi
My highest quality: Loyalty and Integrity
My 3 qualities as mentor are: Creative, pushy, kind
My favorite quote : 'By reality and perfection, I mean the same “, Spinoza
For me lobbying is a tool for helping European Institutions to find the best and more practical solutions in order to benefit for the whole society !
If I were an animal, I would be a cat
I am most proud of finding source of happiness in the little things of everyday life at work and with my family
My motto: Everything is possible!
My mentor: Simone Veil
My highest quality: Optimistic
My 3 qualities as mentor are : Quality of listening, no judgment, I believe in human potential
My favorite quote: The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Oscar Wilde
For me the lobbying profession is a legitimate and integral part of our democratic political process. By mobilizing and empowering stakeholders from a wide range of different interests through targeted engagement in the policy process, lobbying helps to create more accountable political choices.
If I were an animal, I would be a Lynx
I am most proud of following the path that is calling me
My motto: Heaven helps those who help themselves
My mentor: Matthieu Ricard
My highest quality: Authenticity
My 3 qualities as mentor are : Benevolent, supportive, non-complacent
My favorite quote:
« It’s impossible », said Pride
« It’s risky », said Experience
« It’s pointless », said Reason
« Give it a try”, whispered Heart
For me lobbying is the Art of influencing influential people in a sustainable and ethical manner
If I were an animal I would be a horse
I am most proud of my resilience and perseverance
My motto: “Do something today that your future self will thank you for”
My mentor: Matthieu Ricard
My highest quality: Curiosity
My 3 qualities as coach are: authentic, curious, caring
My favorite quote : Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.” – Theodore Roosevelt
For me lobbying is the art of constructively influencing institutions and governments to best serve the interests of the citizens.
If I were an animal I would be a squirrel
I am most proud of have earned a reputation for achieving results by focusing on human relationships
My motto : Mundus Universus Exercet Histrioniam, Petrone («The whole world is playing a play »)
My highest quality : loyalty and fidelity
My 3 qualities as mentor are : benevolence, listening and adaptability
My favorite quote : « The solution to the problem you see in life, is a way of life that solves the problem ». L. Wittgenstein